If you are exploring how to use Guardzilla camera without the app, you’ll find the feasible answer right now, you just have to read this article. Nothing is impossible so you can use the Guardzilla camera without the app access. We’ll explore all possible alternate methods to use the Guardzilla camera without downloading any cam app. Although the app is a pity helpful while using the Guarzilla camera for home security protecting your homes from incoming danger in the form of fire, suspicious events, theft, robbery, or carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyhow we’ll focus on other opportunities to use the camera rather than app access. Let’s dive into the river of knowledge to bring up the ways to use Guardzilla security cameras without installing apps from the Play Store or Apple Store.
Why Do Apps Not Support The Guarzilla Camera?
Guardzilla has decided to close selling of Guardzilla cameras since 2020, so you have two options, the first one is to sell out the Guardzilla camera if you have as it has been redundant in recent years because many multipurpose cameras have emerged in the market, the second option to explore alternative methods of to run the cameras smoothly.
Work frame to use Guardzilla camera without app
It is amazing you can still use your Guardzilla camera with the assistance of a strong Wi-fi connection. Website access is a crucial element for setting and viewing camera videos without using an Android app. As long as your Guardzilla camera is connected to your Wi-Fi, you can use your camera without any hindrance. To avail another approach, connect your camera to outages like Agent DVR or iSpy. Guardzilla camera has inbuilt settings for automatic connection. Agent DVR is very important for the video surveillance. Agent DVR enables your Guardzilla camera to observe all the moments efficiently and every single suspicious activity is caught on the Guardzilla camera. It is awesome that Agent DVR is free software and easily be downloaded and installed, providing a user-friendly workplace on your mobile, tablet, laptop, or anything else capable of uploading the software.
Have Guardzilla camera worth it now or not?
Most of the reviews about the Guardzilla camera are negative altogether, scoring low ratings up to 3. Users have to face many issues like poor built quality, low battery timing, interruption in movement alerts and notifications on mobile, update failure, log-in issues, and many more after 2020. It was known later that the company had been out of business since 2020 and did not own Guardzilla camera responsibility, maintenance, and updation. Although Guardzilla cameras have numerous defects, many users still use these cameras and the reason behind the scenario is that the use of these cameras is very simple and easy. Hence Guardzilla cameras are still in use today time.
Bottom Lines
Guardzilla cameras are user-friendly but most of them are troubleshooting and the company is no longer launching Guardzilla cameras in the market. I recommend you if you have such cameras go for sale if not working well. Any device without updates and maintenance is useless and you should look for a substitute security camera rather than a Guardzilla camera.